Night Life Travel Poster

Artwork provided by NASA



Framed Canvas

Framed Print

Wood Mount



Choose Image Size

Choose Frame Color

Choose 2" Mat

  • Product Type

    All images are giclee printed on 137# offset text semi-gloss photo paper. Giclee printing is a high-quality printing method where prints are made one print at a time. They are then gently rolled and placed into a sturdy shipping tube.

    Image professionally printed on white, natural cotton fiber matte canvas and then gallery wrapped around sturdy, 1.5-inch wood stretcher bars. The corners are neatly hand folded and the canvas is secured with staples on the back, creating a clean piece of art. Wire hanging accessories included.

    All images are giclee printed on 137# offset text semi-gloss photo paper. Giclee printing is a high-quality printing method where prints are made one print at a time. The image is then placed into the custom-made frame. All frames are manufactured by hand in our warehouse and are made to order. If a mat is chosen, the mat will be expertly cut, and placed into frame with the printed image.

    Image professionally printed on white, natural cotton fiber matte canvas and then gallery wrapped around sturdy, 1.5-inch wood stretcher bars. The corners are neatly hand folded and the canvas is secured with staples on the back, creating a clean piece of art. Canvas is then placed into custom made floater frame.

    All posters are pre-printed on a thin, glossy paper: 100lb gloss text paper. The Images are then laminated directly to a wood board. Once the image is mounted, the edges are finished with a beautiful bevel available in your choice of 4 colors and a keyhole system is created for a ready to hang product. Images also have a matte protective finish to eliminate glare.

    Frame Color

    Frame Color

    Edge Color

    Select Frame Style

    Frame Style

    Frame Style

    Frame Style

    Frame Style

    Frame Style

    Frame Style

    Frame Style

    Choose 2" Mat


    Choose Mat color

    Mat color

    Choose Glazing


    Choose Backing


Choose Image Size

  • 12*18

  • 20*30

  • 24*36

Price: $ 
Price : $11.15




Discovered in October 2013 using direct imaging, PSO J318.5-22 belongs to a special class of planets called rogue, or free-floating, planets. Wandering alone in the galaxy, they do not orbit a parent star. Not much is known about how these planets come to exist, but scientists theorize that they may be either failed stars or planets ejected from very young systems after an encounter with another planet. These rogue planets glow faintly from the heat of their formation. Once they cool down, they will be dancing in the dark. All prints and frames are 100% American made at our warehouse in Cincinnati, OH. We print all art pieces, manufacture our own frames, and stretch our own canvas. All items are on-demand and produced right here! Each print is printed onto semi-gloss paper, and then either rolled or framed before shipping out. Canvas prints are stretched over 1.5-inch stretcher bars. We take pride in the quality of all our products and strive to give our customers the best wall art possible!


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